Nikon Coolshot 20i GIII Laser Rangefinder
Confidently approach any shot, from any angle.
When it comes to club selection, knowing the distance of your shot is everything. The lightweight, compact COOLSHOT 20i GIII gives you both actual distance and slope-adjusted measurements to account for distance with uphill or downhill shots—rain or shine. Measure up to 800 yards within 2 yards of accuracy. Reliably target the flagstick with First Target Priority mode, and get a clear confirmation vibration with LOCKED ON QUAKE when you hit it. You can even scan your surroundings for up to 8 seconds to get the lay of the land. Give your game a new angle.
yardsRange - 6XMagnification
- IDIncline/Decline Mode
- 8 sec.Continuous Scanning
Flagstick Detection

Slope compensation when you want it.
The "i" in COOLSHOT 20i GIII means it can factor an incline or decline into your measurement—key for uphill and downhill shots, and essential for deciding which club to use. (Complies with USGA Local Rule 14-3 for tournament play when Slope is turned off.)

Prioritize the pin.
With First Target Priority mode, the COOLSHOT 20i GIII will ignore background distractions like trees, shrubs or golf carts to make it easier to target the flagstick.

Bright, clear view.
Nikon has been a world-leader in optics for more than 100 years. The COOLSHOT 20i GIII uses a brilliant 6x monocular with a multilayer coating for bright, clear views, plus a diopter adjustment to fine tune for your vision.

Scan the lay of the land.
Press and hold the power button for up to 8 seconds to scan your surroundings in real-time for the distance of trees, water hazards, sandtraps and more.

Flagstick detection.
When scanning for the flagstick against a backdrop of trees and other objects, the COOLSHOT 20i GIII will provide a gentle vibration to let you know you’ve hit your target.

A little rain won't keep you off the course, and it won't stop the COOLSHOT 20i GIII from hitting the mark.

No one likes to carry bulky gear on the course. The COOLSHOT 20i GIII isn't much larger than a smartphone, and it’s lightweight at just 4.6 oz.

Years of great play.
The COOLSHOT 20i GIII is backed by one of the best warranties available*. Season after season, you're covered.

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